- Parameter Injection and Assignments: Seamlessly injects parameters and their respective assignments.
- Smart Parameter Removal: Automatically removes parameters and their assignments that dont correspond to any stored variable in the class/struct/actor.
- Intelligent Property Handling: Distinguishes which properties are settable, ensuring computed properties are left untouched.
- Initializer Scope Awareness: Recognizes values defined within the initializers scope, even accommodating scenarios where a single locally-defined value might set multiple stored variables.
- Scoped Value Comprehension: Capable of understanding values defined in conditional scopes, such as within `if` statements.
- Sorting Option for Parameters: Provides an option to sort parameters and their assignments based on the order of variables in the class/struct/actor. This can be disabled for those who find it intrusive.
- Cleanup of Unused Local Definitions: Streamlines initializers by removing unused local variables, functions, structs, enums, classes, and actors defined within the initializers scope.
- Formatting Flexibility: Offers three distinct formatting options for the initializer. Also provides an automatic line break feature when the line length exceeds a user-defined limit.